1 August 2009


About Izmir Daily Photo

Izmir Daily Photo Blog is one of the "city daily photo" blogs. In a city daily photo blog, only one photo is posted per day and the photo should be themed a particular city every day. The city is Izmir in this blog.

About Author

I am an Izmir lover, raised in Izmir. I am an engineer aged 28 and married. I have always been interested in cities. I also like photographing, internet and blogging. You see, the "city daily photo" concept is relevant to a number of my interests.

I maintain a personal website in English: www.aksoy.web.tr
I run a personal blog in Turkish: www.aksoy.gen.tr

You can contact me for all purposes through my e-mail address: ozgur@aksoy.web.tr


  1. Welcome to the CDP family. From what I can see so far you are a very welcome addition.

  2. Thank you Miranda. The CDP family welcomes me very well indeed. The blog is forming its own group of regular visitors even before 20 posts.
